MosaicBlues: October 2016 .entry-content { font-size:25px !important; }

Monday, October 31, 2016

At the Mercy of War.

Sharbat Gula's green eyes were immortalized on the cover of National Geographic in 1985. You might have seen her at your dentist's office, or picking up your mail.

She got your attention. 

She was the inspiration for my second eye mosaic. 

Gula was just 12 when Steve McCurry took her picture in a refugees camp in Peshawar along Pakistan's frontier with Afghanistan.

Now in her 40s, Gula is still in Peshawar, one of at least 1.5 million Afghan refugees who resides in Pakistan. But as of October 2016, she is in police custody on charges of possessing a fake Pakistani national identification card. 

Her mug shot  illustrates the  sad story Gula shares with countless women and children at the mercy of wars they did not started or want.

She faces seven to 14 years in prison and a fine of $3,000 to $5,000 if convicted.

I am not sure how to help her, but I would gladly build an other mosaic of Gula's eyes, and donate half of the profit of the sale if someone would commission such a piece. 

Yezidi people suffer in even worse ways Gula is suffering. I have realized a set of 8 mosaics of the eyes of Yezidi children and women and am still trying to find a way to organize a sale or auction for them. 

I will donate half of the profit to the Free Yezidi Foundation, an organization dedicated to relieving the sufferings of the Yezidi people. 

We are in need of help to organize this event. If you believe you could help,  please contact me at or Allyson who is the US responsible for Free Yezidi Foundation at

More about Sharbat Gula.

More about The Yezidi Mosaic Project

I am a French mosaic artist based in Alabama. My Art is about Inspiring People.
If you are interested by my work, please contact me by phone at (334) 798 1639 or by email at
You can also subscribe to my NEWSLETTER


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Opus Mixtum

Opus Mixtum is an experimental piece including 2 different laying techniques.
  • Opus Tessellatum was used in most classical Roman mosaics.
  • I created Opus Pixellatum in 2015 to build my series of Yezidi Eyes.

On this video taped in early October 2016 the Tessalatum work (in greens and blues) is complete and half the Pixellatum tiles are laid.

Opux Mixtum est une pièce expérimentale qui utilise deux méthodes de pose  différentes.
  • Opus Tessellatum est la méthode principalement utilisée dans les mosaïques Romaines classiques.
  • Opus Pixellatum est la méthode que j'ai mise au point en 2015 pour ma série des Yeux des Yézidis. 

Sur cette vidéo enregistrée début octobre 2016, la partie tessellatum est terminée, et 50 % de la partie pixellatum a été installée.


I am a French mosaic artist based in Alabama. My Art is about Inspiration. 
I am presently working on several huge mosaic portraits of the eyes of inspiring people, and on several community projects.
If you are interested by my work, please contact me by phone at (334) 798 1639 or by email at

You can also subscribe to my NEWSLETTER

Je suis un Artiste Mosaïste installe en Alabama. Le but de mon Art c'est d'inspirer.
Présentement, je travaille a de grands portraits des Yeux de personnes dignes d'admiration, ainsi qu'a plusieurs projets de mosaiques communautaires

Si mon travail vous intéresse vous pouvez me contacter par téléphone au 334 798 1639 (aux Etats Unis), ou par email a
Vous pouvez aussi souscrire a ma Lettre d'Information

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Opus Mixtum I

It's been a long time since I took Latin. Today I started on a new project. Something which I believe was never tempted before. Ta Da ! Outrageous ? I am going to mix 2 different techniques to realize one only piece...

Opus Tesselatum is the technique mostly used in Classical Roman mosaics. It is also the one I used to create many pieces.

Aujourd'hui je m'attelle a un nouveau projet. Nouveauté inédite !  
Je vais construire une mosaïque en utilisant 2 techniques très différentes !  

Opus Tessellatum est la technique employée par la plupart des mosaicistes Grecs et Romains Classiques et Byzantins.  Une technique qui a fait ses preuves et que j'ai employée de nombreuses fois.

Maribel's eye - L'oeil de Maribel

I invented Opus Pixellatum to build my series of Yezidi Eyes Mosaics.

J'ai invente Opus Pixellatum pour bâtir ma série de mosaïques des Yeux des Yézidis.

Yezidi 37's eye - L'oeil de Yezidi 37

Here is the piece you'll get to know as "Mixed Opus" until you figure out what it actually represents.

Et voici la pièce que vous connaîtrez sous le nom de "Mixed Opus" jusqu’à nouvel ordre - ou que vous deviniez de quoi ou qui il s'agit ! 

Mixed Opus - Aug 23, 2016, le 23 Aout 2016

I am a French mosaic artist based in Alabama. My Art is about Inspiration. 
I am presently working on several huge mosaic portraits of the eyes of inspiring people, and on several community projects.
If you are interested by my work, please contact me by phone at (334) 798 1639 or by email at

You can also subscribe to my NEWSLETTER

Je suis un Artiste Mosaïste installe en Alabama. Le but de mon Art c'est d'inspirer.
Présentement, je travaille a de grands portraits des Yeux de personnes dignes d'admiration, ainsi qu'a plusieurs projets de mosaiques communautaires

Si mon travail vous intéresse vous pouvez me contacter par téléphone au 334 798 1639 (aux Etats Unis), ou par email a
Vous pouvez aussi souscrire a ma Lettre d'Information